Not just another sex quiz
So I've had this idea for a while. Half-fun, half-educational. I thought we might have a TFP sex quiz. I'm sure that many of us have seen them before, but we can do better than those quizzes you see in magazines or on Myspace links.
I've come up with a set of questions to get us started. But here is where I would like it to live up to the name of 'Not just another' sex quiz. Each poster can answer the questions posed. Be as terse or loquacious as you like in your answer. And at the end of your answers, feel free to add a question of your own. I'm sure that non-useful or interesting questions will be duly ignored, though if we have a ton of responses, the 'quiz' could become more of a final exam.
Also, I thought it might be useful to start your response with a quick stat bar to let people know who is answering. Gender/Age/Marital Status/Orientation - so for me M/33/M/Str.
On to the questions:
1. What is the most sexually adventurous thing that you have done?
2. What do you most frequently fantasize about?
3. Would you ever act out your fantasy if you had a willing partner?
4. What is your favorite kind of porn to look at?
5. What kind of porn is more of a 'once in a while' thing but still turns you on?
6. The style of sex that I like best is:
7. The style of sex that I like least is:
8. Would you participate in a same sex threesome if you had the chance (MMF if you are male)?
9. Would you participate in an opposite sex threesome if you had the chance (MFF if you are male)?
You do not really understand something unless you can explain it to your grandmother.
- Albert Einstein