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Old 04-21-2003, 07:32 AM   #1 (permalink)
Location: Where hockey pucks run rampant
When You're In A Hurry

We've all done it. We procrastinate to the point that we need to get EVERYTHING done at once. So what devices/objects do you rely on to get you through the day when time is a more precious commodity than pr0n. For me, it's:

-my black hoody (this and a pair of pants and I'm good for weeks...yeah, rather disgusting but it works during finals)
-a huge military duffle bag (I just cram everything that I can think of into so I don't forget anything)
-a watch (keeps me on target)
-coffee................and more coffee

How 'bout you?

Though, on a side note, I'd love to get one of these:

(though probably only the uber geeks will think it's cool to be able to plug your electric shaver into your comp........good thing I'm one of 'em )
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