my fave simpsons intro of all time.
reminds me of a filmclip used by a band i saw heaps live that starts with a man on a rowboat and ends with something like that image from hubble with all the galaxies then returns to the guy on the boat but continues in and ends with the contents of an atom. if you know what i´m talking about i´m desperately trying to track down that clip...
to the point.
i´ve chosen to colour in the picture my way to make my life easy and have one theory which may or may not work but it seems to for me. we seem pretty certain about the big bang. ok. i´m happy with that and can run with it. what was before the big bang? i don´t think god clapped his hands together (god always seems to be a he - pretty obvious the sex of the people writing religion...) so could the reverse have happened? ie the big contraction. now for the contraction to happen matter had to be spread out. kinda sounds like the result of the big bang! ok so there are details like how can we be accelerating etc but in simple form it does work: bang, matter moves away from each other like in any explosion, force of gravity (i´m near certain this is only the bond force between atoms and molecules) always acts and the momentum of the explosion runs out one day and gravity strats pulling everything back in until it reaches a singularity or close to and the big bang happens. again. this leads to 2 possibilities: the big bang is perfect, ie this moment of me typing this and you reading this happens at a set time and has happened an infinite number of times before now and will happen again infinitely into the future. the other posibility is that the big bang is inperfect and everything is different each time around but since this has been going on infinitely every possibility has already been exhausted infinitely. hell this moment has happened except immediately after posting this i turned purple and gravity inverted. statistically, given infinite possibility this has happened at least once! BUT, given infinite possibility, this moment has played itself out exactly this way an infinite number of times as well. as for what the universe is expanding into i just think of empty space as given the force of gravity all matter finds all other matter no matter how far away. just my thought