Originally Posted by Ustwo
Its hard to have sympathy for these people, and I don't, but I think there needs to be a way of monitoring separatists for illegal activities without trampling on their rights.
I don't know where that happy medium is.
There isn't and there can't be. People either have rights, or they don't. The way things have been sliding down the slope, now all one needs to do is make an anonymous phone call about drugs, guns, child abuse/neglect, or some other socially repugnant issue and tada, an instant SWAT raid on your home. Hooray for freedom, you get to have your door ripped off it's hinges, automatic weapons pointed at the faces of your family members, try on high grade handcuffs, lay on the ground for an hour or more, and all while the police get to ransack every room in your home until they find evidence of any crime. THEN, if nothing is found, you'll get to be released, usually with no apology, and then have to salvage what's left of your personal belongings, pride, and humanity as you try to assuage your families terror of having armed people swarm your home while you tell them they just wanted to 'protect' you.