Originally Posted by punkmusicfan21
I I've read Catcher in The Rye probably ten times and I've never felt obligated to murder anyone. I've listened to Helter Skelter and have never had a violent episode. I don't want to kill anyone for Jodie Foster nor do I condone drug use or shooting cops because I play Grand Theft Auto. Bullshit.
I once read some books by a couple of German exiles that got me to thinking that the current social arrangements needed a fundamental re-working. I've heard that they used to confiscate these books in places like Singapore. I don't think the fear of political subversion was entirely unjustified.
That's why i don't like the argument that books are harmless. "Catcher in the Rye" was a big fuck you to mid-20th c. America, by one of its own, and in its own idiom. Why else do teens like it so much? I'm quite sure that the book did pervert many American youth -- and that's all to Salinger's credit.