Originally Posted by punkmusicfan21
This isn't an issue of superiority; unless you view people supporting basic human rights being upheld as elitist. People should have the freedom to read and educate themselves in any way. No one has the right to take that away. If anything, the opposite of what you are accusing us of is the truth. The only superior actions taken place within this argument are by those who feel they know better then others to say what they can and can't experience.
Christ, the book isn't 'banned' we are talking about what age it is suitable for a public school. You can go buy 2000 copies right now and hand them out legally. If you school doesn't use it, feel free to have your kids read it, there is more to education their your government funded schooling.
The only superior actions taken place within this argument are by those who feel they know better then others to say what they can and can't experience
So its ok if they say creationism should be taught in public schools? Seriously dude, the melodrama is getting a bit thick in here.