Originally Posted by punkmusicfan21
I have and I will (imagine that is).
Here's what I think though. I think you're making a sweeping generalization, grouping every child of every upbringing together to label them unfit. And that is exactly what banning materials does; it assumes that every person is unprepared to deal with the complexities of a certain piece of work. Which is only furthering their underdeveloped opinions. Human beings, not just adults, have the right of free will, within the bounds of safety when it comes to children. There is nothing unsafe about Native Son. It is provocative, but that is the point. It provokes you to think. You are completely underestimating all young adults and children. For no reason?!
I directed a play in high school called "Bang, Bang, You're Dead" about a school shooting. Parents had shit fits and they didn't read it, or think about it. "School shootings should not be endorsed in schools!". Too bad the play is about the human condition, emotion, and loss. And the kid realizes why he was wrong! Wow, the opposite of what they assumed.
There are messages within Native Son that you are dismissing because of the subject matter. Unfair.
EDIT: Also, by dismissing art because of their subject matter you are creating a child who carries on your beliefs. You sound pretty homophobic. Keep it to yourself.
Yea well you are entitled to your opinion, but you are doing the generalizing here mostly about my motives. (Btw every play is about the human condition, emotion, and loss, you will have to forgive parents if they see copy cat school shootings and would like to avoid it at their school)