Originally Posted by Ustwo
Last I heard having sex with a drunk girl was rape, so no, I think sexual assault covers it, though he didn't get past fondling before her mother came by and he killed her.
And yes I left out a lot of details but I think that would cover most of the objections don't you think?
Christ and I NEVER SAID IT SHOULD BE BANNED I READ THE DAMN THING IN HIGHSCHOOL, what I am saying is I can understand why some parents would object to it and that some teachers are not able to handle it.
What I am not is doing the typical TFP thing of acting superior to the public and knowing whats best for everyones children or school district.
This isn't an issue of superiority; unless you view people supporting basic human rights being upheld as elitist. People should have the freedom to read and educate themselves in any way. No one has the right to take that away. If anything, the opposite of what you are accusing us of is the truth. The only superior actions taken place within this argument are by those who feel they know better then others to say what they can and can't experience.