Originally Posted by mixedmedia
Well, yes, you did. And it completely illustrates my own objection to banning books. Native Son is a 544 page book (I just had to go grab my copy and look). 1. I think your use of the term 'sexual assault' is inaccurate and 2. your summation leaves out a lot of significant details to the story. I mean, come on. It reduces what is universally known to be one of greatest works of 20th century American literature down to the 5:00 news level.
And just because you know a few teachers who would not be able to handle teaching a class on this novel doesn't mean that none should.
Last I heard having sex with a drunk girl was rape, so no, I think sexual assault covers it, though he didn't get past fondling before her mother came by and he killed her.
And yes I left out a lot of details but I think that would cover most of the objections don't you think?
Christ and I NEVER SAID IT SHOULD BE BANNED I READ THE DAMN THING IN HIGHSCHOOL, what I am saying is I can understand why some parents would object to it and that some teachers are not able to handle it.
What I am not is doing the typical TFP thing of acting superior to the public and knowing whats best for everyones children or school district.