Originally Posted by ottopilot
Unless we know the specifics as to why each school district arrived at their decision to make certain titles unavailable in their school libraries, we can only assume the criteria used. I'm sure other titles on various topics from a diverse range of authors have also been deemed inappropriate and made unavailable to students at school libraries. There is a difference between banning and being merely unavailable in a public school.
The specifics (in general terms) are in the article:
Banned somewhere in the U.S.A
Each and every one of these books are available to anyone in the free market. These titles are also available through my local public library. It appears that anyone who is interested may read these books at any time.
One purpose of school reading lists are to stimulate discussion.
WHy are so many people afraid of providing a supervised, structured program in schools to allow young adults to discuss such books as Catcher in the Rye or Huck Finn?