From the AHA website :
Originally Posted by AHA
Q: Who should receive Hands-Only CPR?
A: Hands-Only CPR is recommended for use on adults who suddenly collapse. The American Heart Association (AHA) recommends conventional CPR (that is, CPR with a combination of breaths and compressions) for all infants and children, for adult victims who are found already unconscious and not breathing normally, and for any victims of drowning or collapse due to breathing problems.
This 'new' method is only used when you actually
see the person go down. I just took a CPR class on Saturday and the instructor made a point of explaining this to us. We also covered this in Physio lab, the oxygen level in the blood is sufficiently high for 2-3 minutes if a person stops breathing, provided the heart continues to beat. Not really revolutionary, but I can see the use in pointing it out to half the world.