Originally Posted by pan6467
This is the problem.
Instead of conversing in positive ways and trying to work on positive solutions, we (and the vast majority does) becomes defensive over their positions and refuses to even listen to the other side and admit maybe, just maybe the other side has some good points and we should work on them TOGETHER.
We are all guilty of it but until we are truly willing to do something about it on all sides, nothing except hate will continue. Not just race relations, but foreign policy, religion, anything that separates us, as a whole.
pan....otto's raising the issue of entertainment network , or beauty pageant with the name "Black" , "Negro", or "African American" in it's title? Or an organization's membership requirements being based on being an African American.....is pure BULLSHIT and unworthy of discussion,
These groups (he forgot to mention Jewish, Italian, Asian. business organizatons, clubs, etc) were formed for two reasons....they were excluded for years from mainstream wasp clubs, pagents, etc. and they are for social networking.
They are a diversion from a serious discussion on race relations.
ANd now I am really really going to bed.