Originally Posted by Ustwo
.....Hey look its blacks beating up a white guy, for being white!
It also has nothing to do with the OP or anything else in the thread.
But yes people were racist, some are racist host, note that most of your pictures are black and white for a reason thats not artistic  Most of todays black criminals were not even born in those times, using it as an excuse for current issues with black youth is somewhat weak, nor is it a cause of a deterioration of the black family which has helped lead us to the current problems.
I think my summery of this is right on point.
Its ok (to the TFP) for a judge to be exclusionary based on race provided its a black judge who wants to talk to black folk about a black issues.
Did I miss something?
Yup....you've missed that the USA is still struggling to emerge from it's original period....say....before the 1965 Voting Rights Act was passed...when racism was institutionalized, and that you have a special problem. You've supported and you do support the politics that accomplished the "gutting" of votings rights enforcement by the civil rights enforcement section of the US DOJ. I know that, because you've mocked or done a "drive by" on every thread where I have brought up that issue....crime...horror, STEP BACKWARDS.
You're example of the attack on the "white guy", reinforces my impression that you don't understand the difference. The institutionalized racism and exclusion still exists. It's glaringly apparent if you oprn your eyes. There are today, no more than 5 black CEOs of Fortune 500 Companies.
You strike me as an "I got mine", kinda guy. If that's the impression you are happy projecting, then that's that!
Maybe we need to request that all non-white folks "leave" the politics forum for a bit to give us white guys a private moment to discuss the impression you are making of "us white guys", to our entire US society? Are you our "Jeremiah Wright"? I don't want to be linked to you or responsible for what you say and do, since I can't reach you!