- Do you love cooking? I have a love hate relationship with cooking lol I like inventing new things, I dont like cooking the same things I've been cooking forever
- Do you like cooking any more when you cook for others?I LOVE to cook for others
- Do(es) your significant other(s) enjoy cooking? Wont say that he *enjoys* is, but he does it without complaining lol
- Do you feel obligated to cook, and does this taint your experience? I dont feel obligated, but thats *my* thing. Dave does all the other household stuff and the cooking is mine. Unless I dont feel like it....then he does lol
- If you do not cook, is it because you don't know how, or because it simply doesn't suit you?
- How does your role in the kitchen differ from that of your mother? Grandmother? My mother and grandmother cooked regardless of anything. Dave and I trade off with no disagreement about it
For those of you who cook regularly:
- Do you see it as your role as a woman to cook, or do you enjoy it "just because"? I def dont see it as my role to cook, I just do it better than Dave
- Are you frequently inclined to depend upon frozen meals, or do you prefer to build a meal up from scratch? I cook from scratch. The closest I come to using something else is brownie mix or sometimes cake mix from a box
- Did your mother prepare your meals when you were a child? My mother was always the cooker, but I always helped, I started helping in the kitchen at the age of 4
- How much do you try to incorporate Organic or otherwise healthful products into your meals? Its not a big deal for me. We eat a lot of veggies between us and I grill most of our meat
- Do you take time to plan balanced meals in advance? Nope
- Does it thrill you just as much to shop and prepare for the meals as it does to eat them? not really because I abhor shopping....for anything
- Do you appreciate a helpful hand in the kitchen, or do you consider meal-making your "alone time"? I enjoy when Dave helps....not anyone else
- Do you have a specific kitchen design that lends itself to your style of cooking or entertaining? nope
I want the diabetic plan that comes with rollover carbs. I dont like the unused one expiring at midnite!!