Hey, I was a loser until I got to college--didn't have a girlfriend or get *anywhere* with girls until I was 20 years old. I was one of those shy, introverted types.
Things will come around if you keep at it, bro. Take it from me. I've been where you are. Just some random who's not really popular and has no lady skills. But then a girl came along who was into me enough that my bumbling wasn't a problem.
Turns out the barrier wasn't that tall, I just needed help getting over it. After that, the loser became a stud. Not to get into any details, but this first GF of mine I could make weak in the knees before and after.
Keep it at. Don't let difficulties get you down. Some difficulties can't be avoided because of inexperience and they just have to be dealt with head-on. Roll with the punches. Practice makes perfect and all that.
Your efforts are not futile. With each attempt you make progress, more than you know.