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Old 04-05-2008, 11:24 AM   #121 (permalink)
... a sort of licensed troubleshooter.
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Originally Posted by pan6467
Personal attack.
What is your opinion of the OP?
Originally Posted by pan6467
It IS racist.
It's not racist. It's actually the opposite of racism. He's trying to fix racial divides.
Originally Posted by pan6467
I have stated I have no problem in the message he gave.... it's where he gave it and how he abused his authority and position to give it.
He has that authority. It's completely within his legal rights as a judge. You have yet to demonstrate otherwise.
Originally Posted by pan6467
You still do not deny had it been a white judge doing the exact same thing... you would call him racist and demand his job.
Actually I wouldn't. If a white judge were seeing a majority of cases in front of him that were white kids causing problems and he asked the black, asian, latino, etc. people to leave so he could address the people as a white community about a problem, I'd commend him. But even for those who wouldn't, Ch'i already explained that white culture and black culture aren't the same.
Originally Posted by pan6467
Sorry, that is hypocritical and a double standard I cannot nor will not accept and be silent about.
You're not sorry, you're self-righteous and you're not listening to what everyone else is saying.
Originally Posted by pan6467
But this quote above obviously means NOTHING to "civil rights leaders" today.
You aren't a civil right leader. You're actually widening the chasm with threads like this where you berate leaders who are trying to fix the divide, calling them racist: a term you clearly don't understand.
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