Originally Posted by Ustwo
Actually I have NO problem with what he did, but were a white judge to do this, you know damn well what the fall out would be.
Would you be a part of that fallout? I know I wouldn't.
Originally Posted by Strange Famous
A black man, in America, by definition CANNOT be a racist.
He may be prejudiced, or a bigot, but racism as a term implies the exercise of power against another race: there isnt much scope for that when your ancestors were slaves to the people who are now your neighbours, and even 75 years ago national newspapers and most police would call you "nigger" - when in living memory you couldnt sit on a bus if a white person was standing.
Oh, no a black man can be racist. It's called "reverse racism" when it deals with white people and it's surprisingly common. In addition to that, black racism against latinos is a massive problem here. I've had to repeatedly deal with it in the work place at three different jobs.