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Old 04-04-2008, 10:16 AM   #40 (permalink)
Glory's Sun
Registered User
Originally Posted by Derwood
personally, i think the people who are boozing/partying/drugging it up are the ones wasting their youth, but that's just me
eh I dunno.. unless it causes major problems like hurting family members or your kids or going to prison I wouldn't call it wasting youth. I partied like a rockstar for years and learned alot about life and myself that I wouldn't have learned had I not done those things. Sure it would be nice to have all that money back, but the good times far outweighed the bad and I wouldn't trade that for the world. The memories and friends I made are priceless.

I think the only way to waste youth is to not be youthful.. that in itself it relative to each individual. If you prefer not to party, that's up to you.. if you like to party then do it. Just sitting around doing nothing.. (no job, no school etc) that's wasteful.
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