Originally Posted by smoore
Have you looked into getting a pilot cert. down there? I have no idea what it entails. Might be a huge PITA, especially for a gringo.
Yeah, before figuring out the whole food shelter thing. Got a have a med cert and ticket from the US or you have to take courses here... in Spanish. I'm a long way from being able to take any course in Spanish. Well, other then Spanish itself.
And get this- If getting your private in the US costs you $5500-$6000 down here you're looking at almost double. Everyone talks about how cheap things are in Mexico, and they are for the most part. But anything to do with tech. is going to cost you 3/4 to double. Computers, electronics and cameras are insane down here.
My main hope is fly up to Florida and or Texas and take a flight phys. I'm sure I could pass it. Basically if I didn't tell you I had a medical issue, you wouldn't know. My problem with the flight phys. has always been the part where you list the medication(s) you're taking. My issue with my foot and leg is neurological at this point and I take a medication that they also give epileptics. In the past Dr. see that on the list and it's all over. The more I hit the gym the less of that I have to take. It's just a matter of time at this point.