Originally Posted by Borgs
To be honest I'm pretty confused as to what we are talking about. Are we comparing levels of boringness? Can it even be quantified? Doesn't your statement make the original claim completely irrelevant, since boringness doesn't even exist in that scenario?
Wait... what? Now I'm confused.
The original claim is that IF one believes in heaven/hell, as in one's soul/consciousness going to one of these places in the afterlife, then we would still possess some level of awareness that might see our surroundings as "boring" after a while.
My claim (which Charlatan put more succinctly), is that if one's soul/consciousness dies along with the physical body, and does not go anywhere (heaven, hell, or otherwise), then that would be the "nothingness" that was spoken of. Nothingness = no consciousness, no more soul, nothing. Just a dead body. Does that make more sense?