Originally Posted by ngdawg
It's when you* turn around and get indignant about the very thing you invited that you can expect not to have your views or comments taken seriously. This is not to say that anything more deviant than commentary should be expected, but let's not kid ourselves.
It's this statement. And I can't wait to see the acrobatics involved in pointing out just how misunderstood I am about this statement. It's pretty plain: because I posted pictures of myself here, I don't deserve to be taken seriously on this subject. (disclaimers not withstanding, for if it is not directed at me, then who is it being directed at?) But regardless of who it is directed at, the message is plain.
Not to mention that the crux of this issue is not with women posting pictures of themselves on the internet, but simply walking out of their door on any particular day where they will encounter people who have no idea what they're doing on the internet.