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Old 04-03-2008, 08:13 PM   #17 (permalink)
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Location: West of Denver
Originally Posted by Tully Mars
Unfortunately for me the life that got in my "way" involved a rather large beam and a sudden drop to my leg and foot. No med cert=no tickets. No VFR, no IFR and No multi... nada. In a moment my flying dreams and leg were crushed at the same time. I can only fly with another pilot in command of the aircraft.
And no landings or take offs.

I go to the gym 4-5 times a week and I hoping to get my cert back someday.

Enjoy every second, you never know when it might end.
Wow, that sucks. Not to circumvent the all powerful FAA but if I understand correctly:

If you manage to get a special cert from an AMA and let it expire you are fully within your rights to exercise Sport Pilot privileges from then on, assuming you don't self ground due to medical reasons. Not the self grounding like for a cold, mind you.
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