Ratbastid, thanks for trying to clear up one of my pet peeves - misinterpretation of the First Amendment. Let's all get this clear: the only entity that can infringe on your right to free speach is the government. If you're shouting political speach from your apartment balcony, your landlord is well within his rights to tell you to shut the fuck up or he'll evict you. If Hal decides to ban you because you call me a selfrighteous prig, he hasn't infringed on your First Amendment rights. If Don Imus' employer decides to fire him because a bunch of people complain about him and sponsors threaten to pull their ads if he keeps his job, there's no First Amendment violation.
So pan, if I tell you to shut the fuck up, it has not one thing to do with the First Amendment. I'm not the government. They're not a part of the conversation. Now I wouldn't do that because it's not nice and it's not allowable by the rules of this place, but those are completely separate.
One last thing, and this is just a minor quibble, but there have been lots of people "modded" off this site for their opinion. I like to think that I've helped a lot of them never find their way back here. Their opinion? That you, the members, should buy their products or invest in their scams. That's their opinion, and they're welcome to it, but they can't express that here.
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - B. Franklin
"There ought to be limits to freedom." - George W. Bush
"We have met the enemy and he is us." - Pogo