It's not like guys sit in front of middle schools for 3 hours a day and say it. I'm not sure why it'd be offensive. It's simply a more honest and improper to say, "she's attractive".
And, yes, all men objectify women before they meet them. That's kinda a no brainer. The news flash is, of course, that women do it, too. I'm not ashamed to say I've been objectified a number of times and it's flattering. Yes, it might be a bit awkward if a woman said, "I'd hit that" when I was in line at the bank, but I can't imagine being offended by it at all. Shoot, I might not even think it was stupid and presumptuous. Why is it not stupid? Because it's totally normal to find someone sexually attractive without knowing them. Presumptuous? No, because the "I'd hit that" doesn't mean "I'm going to hit that". It simply speaks of a hypothetical situation where it becomes available to hit, and then gets hit.