Originally Posted by Cynthetiq
nvm. host, i'm trying to understand your position but you've made it so obtuse that you're speaking in a foreign language.
you're welcome to try again, but I'll probably just gloss over your response since I cannot understand what your point is in suddenly bringing up race since it wasn't your position of discussion from page 1.
This was your post before this one:
Originally Posted by Cynthetiq
so wait a minute... again are you stating that the US Senator was not there because of ability or opportunity but installed as a puppet. Your posts insinuate that Condi Rice and Colin Powell were not there due to ability but because it shifted overnight.
If you refer to the US senator sent to DC by the 1870 Mississippi legislature, I had no intention of using his example as an example of a "puppet". In his day, there was no popular election of US Senators. They were elected by the voting of each state legislature. In 1870, black representation, due to resistance by former confederates to participate in "Yankee" directed politics, and because of laws enacted to penalize former confederates, was the highest it has been, before or since.
The point is that blacks in Mississippi have experienced a backwards slide in their quest to achieve representative political power, compared to their numbers, in Mississippi, since 1870.
I am not black, but I have an idea that Rice and Powell are not largely considered role models by other blacks. I do not perceive that either was appreciably successful in their Bush admin. roles. Can you describe the most impressive accomplishment of either of them at the State Dept., or in Rice's role as director of the NSA or as National Security advisor to the president?
Powell's noteworthy achievement was rising in rank to Chair the Joint Chiefs of the US military, but he also either was the man "on the ground" who carried out the assignment to cover up the My Lai massacre in Vietnam, or performed and incompetent inquiry, or both.
I think Rice and Powell are appreciated much more by the conservative community than by the black American community, a situation which can be applied to nearly every black person held in high regard by the conservative community.