Originally Posted by pan6467
Ok, so the blacks have the right to be pissy and say...
Guess what. It's AMERICA. They have a right to say anything they say. 1st Amendment. You don't get to tell them that certain kinds of speech are off-limits because they hurt your feelings. Literally unless what Jeremiah Wright says results in you personally being literally trampled in a theater stampede, you don't get to tell him he can't say it.
So, there's that. But to deal with it at the level of whether they have the right or not misses the point completely. The point is, by understanding WHY Wright and others like him say what they say, there's an opportunity to heal the fundamental divide of our country.
I'm beginning to think, pan, that you're not interested in that. Which is okay, you don't have to be interested in that. But I'm REAL interested in that.
I also get the impression Hillary isn't interested, and I get the impression Obama is.