Sheesh. I really dropped the ball here. Let's resume. Here is an interesting discussion about an article that analyzes the causes of inequality at the bottom of scale (i.e. the question being why the bottom quintile makes as little as it does rather than why the top earners earn so much).
Here is a link and a sample quote:
Overall, we find that the current generation is more skilled than the previous one. Blacks and Hispanics have gained relative to whites and women have gained relative to men. However, skill differences within groups have increased considerably and in aggregate the skill distribution has widened. Changes in parental education seem to generate many of the observed changes.
So inequality seems to stem from a whole bunch of factors at all levels. That means, if you want to reduce inequality, you can do it much more profitably and with more effectiveness by improving the skills and abilities of people at the bottom than by hobbling people at the top.