Originally Posted by pan6467
If everyone hated and "God damn America" for what happened to their ancestors..... this great country would have ceased to exist long ago. I truly do not see how anyone in their right mind can see hate as a productive outlet.
Try listening to the quote in context. The christian denomination that Wright belongs to doesn't prescribe the existence of hell, so what do you suppose the phrase "god damn america" means when said by someone who doesn't necessarily believe that god damns people in any sort of traditional sense? Do you think its possible that you missed the point of what he was saying?
Why not work towards solutions instead of bitching, moaning and "God damning..." the country you live in? And if you truly want to teach that why not move out of your 1.6 MILLION dollar house on the golf course in a primarily white, gated community and stay in the area your sermon in, living on the median income of those you supposedly are serving??????
If you don't think that Wright's church was active in working towards solutions to social problems then you don't know what you're talking about. What does where he lives have to do with it? To my knowledge, he never took a vow of poverty. I agree it is perhaps not in keeping with particular interpretations of the ideas of christ, but that isn't really what this is about, is it?
NOOOOO, it's all about the fucking power isn't it?
What power? What are you talking about?
Now, for a presidential candidate to state this man is his spiritual adviser, but then states he never saw any of this, or maybe he did but it was like an old crazy uncle and he didn't listen.... but his wife and kids may have.... but they didn't..... and the Rev. has the right to say all that but let Imus say something and "I want his job".
Obama said that if anyone on his staff had said what Imus said he would have fired them, and that he hoped Imus' bosses would do the same. In context, what Imus said was mean, petty, and if it wasn't racist, it was pretty fucking close. It is fairly reasonable to presume that there has been no point in Don Imus' life where he was subjected to institutional racism perpetrated by minority populated women's basketball teams. In context, what Wright said was a reflection of his experiences before, during and after the civil rights movement. Both of them have every right to say what they said, but I would argue that when placed in context, the significance of what each of them said is completely different.
either this presidential candidate is truly lying because he believes the hate spewed, which I cannot support......
Probably not. Obama would seem to be a very glaring exception to the things you think Wright stands for. If Obama agrees with what you think Wright believes then he would need to deny his own existence.
OR he is lying and excusing it because he's a 2 faced backstabber.... which I don't want as president.....
Isn't this scenario implicit in your first "either"?
OR he saw this as a way to get "street" cred with the blacks. After all, he is NOT of American slave descent but true African, then white, brought up in Indonesia and Hawaii (by a white grandmother), went to Harvard (A school the REV. Wright seems to want blacks to believe they cannot go to because of the government) and the editor of their Law School review (or whatever)... which the REV Wright would have his followers believe is not possible in the US of KKK A....... which is the scariest, yet most believable theory for me.
In other words in order to be accepted as "Black enough" he had to go to an extremist church and become close with the most extreme of church leaders he could find. Otherwise, with his past credentials and background, he wouldn't have that "street" cred in the "black community". He'd be looked at the same as Colin Powell, Condaleeza Rice, Clarence Thomas and so on.
I like your choices here. Either Obama is a liar, a backstabbing liar, or an Uncle Tom trying to trick black people into voting for him. I think you've left a few possibilities out.
I'm going to put a couple forward, and you feel free to tell my why they are implausible.
1) It could be possible that Obama was attempting to gain insight into the black experience in America because he wanted to understand it, but couldn't relate to it very well.
2) He just happened to find jesus, and decided to attend the church of the man who helped him find that jesus and that the words of that man concerning non-jesusey things aren't that important because Obama recognizes that that man isn't necessarily an expert in non-jesusey things.
3) Obama, being a grown man capable of forming independent relationships with other people, forms friendship with and receives spiritual guidance from a man with whom he disagrees on nonspiritual matters.
4) Some combination of these.
I'm not saying you're interpretations aren't valid, just that they seem to be very heavily weighted towards the "Obama is a lying sociopath" side of the issue, a fact which is more a reflection of who you are then what is actually going on with Obama.
If this last one is the true one, then that means this man is pathological and dangerous, extremely dangerous. But that would explain this supposed "Charisma" this man has. (This is the one I find most believable and believe to be true.)
That's a shame, I'm sure the Obama campaign has been banking on the support of people who weren't going to vote for him anyway.