Thread: Up in Smoke
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Old 04-01-2008, 08:26 PM   #32 (permalink)
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Location: Indiana
Originally Posted by dc_dux
I've just skimmed it myself and read the CRS summary.

My understanding is that the BATF alcohol regulatory legislation from years ago was a model in crafting this bill.

Sure its flawed....I have yet to see a perfect bill come out of Congress on any subject.

The problem I have with the libertarian approach to product regulation (ie none) is that it offers a simplistic solution in a complex world.

It may have worked in the 18th century when you grew your own food, bought or bartered other products from neighbors you trust and lived in a cozy, comfortable, trusting community.

That just doesnt work in the 21st century.....unless you want to grow and produce everything you consume.
This bill isn't even giving me the choice. I'm already pre-disposed to purchasing tobacco from companies that were started prior to 2003 which have been proven to add dozens of chemicals to the products. New companies have a tougher time entering the market if they are even able to at all without being regulated out of existence or being bought by a big wig to get them out of the game.

Obviously the big three are bad, but we're going to go ahead and make it next to impossible anyway for other parties to enter the business even if their products are substantially less toxic.

Plus, this isn't doing shit to protect children, so I dont know what the fuss is about in regards to this being long overdue legislation. The FDA gets more power to regulate another drug? They've done such an outstanding job regulating big PHARMA I don't see why they should't be allowed to fuck up tobacco more that it already is.
It's time for the president to hand over his nobel peace prize.

Last edited by samcol; 04-01-2008 at 08:57 PM..
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