Originally Posted by samcol
This bill is 100+ pages long, have you even read it all? I've been trying to skim through it but most of what I've read I don't like from a libertarian perspective, or even reading it from the perspective of trying to protect consumers. It doesn't help anything.
I've just skimmed it myself and read the CRS summary.
My understanding is that the BATF alcohol regulatory legislation from years ago was a model in crafting this bill.
Sure its flawed....I have yet to see a perfect bill come out of Congress on any subject.
I really don't understand your 2nd question......"How can any one person conduct the due dilligence to protect themselves from the practices of corporate interests that dont necessarily match consumer intrests?"
Not buy their product? It applies to nearly everything you buy! How you do you know any product is (relatively) safe to consume?
The problem I have with the libertarian approach to product regulation (ie none) is that it offers a simplistic solution in a complex world.
It may have worked in the 18th century when you grew your own food, bought or bartered other products from neighbors you trust and lived in a cozy, comfortable, trusting community.
That just doesnt work in the 21st century.....unless you want to grow and produce everything you consume.