I have turned down a couple here and there if memory serves correct.
Most recent ones always center around work women or close friends who are female.
Similar to Average Joe above, one lady at my office who i thought we were just friends invited me over for dinner but wanted so much more.
I would have slept with her if we did not work together, but i have a rule i always follow and will never break. NEVER SHIT WHERE YOU EAT. I did not want to deal with the crap that would have eventually followed afterward.
btw that girlie hates me now and won't even look at me lol. some friend...
another time i can remember is a close friend who i thought we were just friends wanting to hook up. had to pass on that one too, as i can meeting girls anywhere, but friends are forever. would never risk our friendship for a romp. now i know it could lead to a great relationship...but was not something i was looking for.
btw i have been turned down far more often than i've rejected lol.