Had oral about 6 months before intercourse (different guys), but was also my first time taking clothes off with a man, and I was very awkward and uncomfortable with everything. He also did not even consider how I felt (didn't ask/announce anything) and just went for it, and I was kind of in shock about the whole thing. I was like... "Umm, what the hell is he doing? Is he supposed to be doing that? I don't know if I want him to be doing that. I don't know this person THAT well." (I think I had blocked it from my mind until I saw this thread, it was that uncomfortable.)
Luckily, ktspktsp and I have been practicing oral on each other since practically the first few moments that we had to ourselves as a couple, 4 years ago... and we love the experience of practicing on each other, getting better every time!

(I came after like... 5 minutes on Sunday, which is a freakin' personal record!)