Originally Posted by Strange Famous
I think she is over-reacting... I do have dark moods sometimes, especially before Christmas and the last week has been bad too: but its not like I ever have suicidal thoughts, and I couldnt imagine ever having them really.
I dont think I could stand to take medication that affected my mood - to me it would not only be an admission of weakness, but I think it makes you reliant on it. I dont see what else a doctor can do. Talking about being sad most times just makes me wallow in my self absorbtion and feel worse.
I mean, a lot of people get down sometimes - it isnt that unusual. I hold down a job, I dont break the law, I dont hurt anyone else, I am never going to kill myself - if sometimes I feel down or that I have no energy, that effects a lot of people, I dont think its clinical depression.
I just have low self esteem because of my weight, and certain things that happened to me when I was younger... Im in a lot of financial problems which does stress me out sometimes - but I dont see how going to see a doctor and getting medical records logged that any potential future employer can see and hold against me is gonna do much good.
SF, i've read most peoples responses on this thread and I say to you, with all sincerity, that they are full of shiat.
YOU determine if you could benefit from any therapy.
YOU determine if others are in a better position to tell you what you need.
YOU determine where your life and mental well being reside in any given state.
If you let others determine what you need and don't need, you've already given up control of your life.
I say this from experience and I believe I'm in a better position than most to say so.
I have dark moods. I'm in one right now.
My wife has been seriously ill for some time.
Our financial situation has steadily declined for years.
My wife just found out today that there is a greater than 50/50 chance she might not see her next birthday and she's only 38 years old. I'm busting my ass to keep working, keep the bills paid, and keep her medical coverage going. I deal with bill collecters and my landlord every single week and the pressure is intense to just make it day to day.
I may be a widow at 42. I may watch my wife die and be relatively helpless about it. I can't do anything more than what is physically possible to do the best I can.
I've taken pay cuts just to keep a job. I've cut extraneous crap out of my life, things I enjoyed, just to pay bills, and yes, I'm sometimes tired of doing so, but NOBODY is in any position to tell me I'm not capable of dealing with it without psychological help.
NOBODY controls me or my life. NOBODY can control your life unless you let them.
If your 'mood' or attitude is not all 'happy happy joy joy' for others, yet you still function day to day and deal with your daily shit, too bad for them.
YOU are in control of your life, until you let others tell you what you need.
If your SO is not happy with your attitude, maybe they need to be checking theirs, this is usually called projection. YOU do what YOU need to do, let others worry about themselves. It's when you find it hard to do the things you NEED to do, that you need to consider outside sources of help.
just my humble opinion anyway.