Originally Posted by dc_dux
What a surprise.
We heard the same conservative "feel good, do nothing but raise cost" arguments about the environmental laws of the 1970s - clean air act, clean water act, solid waste disposal act, etc. The results of those acts speak for themselves.
The same argument you made before with your "courage to do nothing" post... http://www.tfproject.org/tfp/showpos...&postcount=148 And of course you ignored my response....I'm still curious to know why you think "doing nothing" at the national level to conserve energy and improve the environment is good public policy.
If it makes you feel better I didn't ignore it, I didn't read it.
Being a conservative on this board gets old pretty quickly, most stop posting or move on, the moderates do the same. I keep my happy face by just not reading every post so I don't feel the need to respond. We have communists, insane people, radicals, and a guy who gets a award on race relations from a major who had a staff member resign for proper use of the word 'niggardly'. You can forgive me if I pick and choose my battles and don't respond to every post telling me I'm wrong from people less qualified than I am every time the question of global warming comes up.
From a scientific stand point I feel global warming may be a short term trend, I do not feel we have contributed in any meaningful way to it. No amount of fear mongering will change that position.
Environmentally I am far more concerned about global cooling and when that trend starts again. We are believed to be in a 'short' period of warmth between ice ages. I'd be far happier with a warming long term trend than ice sheets to alabama.