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Old 03-30-2008, 10:47 AM   #1 (permalink)
Why Do You Disagree With Convictions of Ex-Border Patrol Compean & Ramos?

My thanks to Ottopilot for inspiring me to start this thread:
Originally Posted by ottopilot

Regardless of ideology or perspective, Libby lied under oath. Our law requires that he should be in prison. I'm very disappointed with the decision to commute. I believe anyone that lies under oath, willfully violates civil-rights, uses the power of office to suborn purgery, etc., should be fully prosecuted and sentenced. This would include folks like the the Iran-Contra clowns, anyone found guilty under the current administration, and absolutely Bill Clinton and friends. Sorry, it's the way I see it, I don't mean to open another can of worms here.

What ever you believe about Libby's trial, it was politics as usual on all sides (shady actions and character assassination) ... Libby was a willing patsy. Right or wrong, the trial evidence was not enough to convict. If he didn't purger himself, he would have walked.

If anyone needs a pardon, it's border agents like Ramos and Campean who are serving time for essentially doing their jobs (IMO, political prisoners to satisfy Mexico). Much more deserving than Mr. Libby.

An article from

I love this topic. But shouldn't we take it over to the appropriate thread? ... just saying.

It could be fun!

What am I "not getting" about the protests of the conviction and sentencing of these two ex-US Border Patrol Officers?

I read the unofficial transcript of the US senate hearing, held last July, after Compean and Ramos were convicted by a jury:

Ramos-Compean Senate Hearing Transcript Part 1
by NPT Staff
PART 1 OF 3: The office of U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein released the unofficial transcript of last week's hearing (held July 17, 2007) on the Ramos-Compean case. Witnesses included David Aguilar and Luis Barker, chief and former deputy chief, respectively, of the Office of Border Patrol, U.S. Customs and Border Protection. Also on the list: Johnny Sutton, U.S. Attorney for the Western District of Texas, T.J. Bonner, president of the National Border Patrol Council, and David L. Botsford, appellate counsel for agent Ignacio Ramos.

Posted on July 23, 2007

....Sen. Feinstein:

......Deputy Chief Barker retired from the U.S. Border Patrol in July
2006 after more than 28 years of service. At the time of his
retirement, he was the national deputy chief of the Border Patrol in
Washington, D.C., where he had served since May of 2005.

Prior to that, he served in a number of key leadership positions
in the Border Patrol, including the position of chief Border Patrol
agent in the Laredo and El Paso, Texas, sectors. Before joining the
Border Patrol in 1978, he was a police officer and acting detective
for five and a half years with the Jersey City Police Department
narcotics squad.....

BARKER: As a senior leader in the Border Patrol, I am extremely
proud of the men and women who serve and protect this nation and who I
had the honor to lead.

Today, even in retirement, I'm still proud of the great work that
these men and women do in defense of the homeland. Day after day,
they do this difficult and dangerous job in securing our nation's
borders under extreme condition and do it with a personal pride and
dedication that is to be applauded.

They literally put their lives on the lines every day, yet do
great things to make us proud. They are genuine heroes, and certainly
deserving of our support -- of your support, rather, and that of the
American people.

To prepare them for the dangers and rigors of this job, each
agent undergoes extensive training, to include firearms training and
the use of force. This training instills professionalism and makes
every agent understand that he or she is held to a higher standard and
that they must obey the laws of the land and of the community in which
they live.

Every agent that entered on duty when I was the chief patrol
agent in El Paso sector had this reinforced to them by me before going
to the Border Patrol Academy and, again, upon their return from the
academy and before reporting to field duties.

They are told about the trust that is placed in them to enforce
the laws within the limits authorized, a trust that if violated has
enduring consequences.

The motto of the Broder Patrol is "honor first," an ideal that is
instilled in every agent from the day they walk through the door of
any sector in the Border Patrol and in moving into the training and
indoctrination at the Border Patrol Academy. It is something that has
sustained the Border Patrol.

During my tenure as chief patrol agent in the El Paso sector
there have been numerous incidents where officers have discharged
their weapons, but almost -- but most of them accidental.

Of these weapon discharges, six were incidents where agents used
deadly force to defend themselves from a threat against them,
resulting in two fatalities.

The firearm policy mandates the reporting of every shooting
incident, accidental or otherwise, for proper investigation and

For this reason, the scene must be secured, proper notification
must be made to bring the investigative resources to bear.

Every agent understands the requirement to notify a supervisor of
a discharge of a service firearm and the implication for not doing so.

On or about March 4, 2005, I received a memorandum from an agent
in Tucson sector informing us of a shooting incident connected with a
narcotics seizure that occurred in the El Paso sector on February
17th, 2005, approximately two weeks earlier.

At that point in time we had no recent report of shootings, so
the information in the memorandum was surprising to us.

After checking the records and making some inquiries, we had
reason to believe that the allegations in the memorandum had some
merit. We immediately made the proper notifications and made the
initial report to the Office of Inspector General because of the
seriousness of the allegations.

As we all know, the events of February 17th, 2005, resulted in
the conviction and sentencing of former agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose
Compean. Osvaldo Aldrete-Davila, the "victim" -- and I use it in
quotes, because he is not deserving of the title because of his trade,
a trade that supplies nothing but misery to those who are trapped in
its clutches -- in the clutches of its product -- he deserves no
sympathy and I give him none.

BARKER: Only circumstances make this characterization possible.

I do, however, feel for Agents Compean and Ramos and their
families for what they have endured and will endure as the result of
the terrible choices they made on February 17, 2005.

<h3>Though there is an emotional connection in this case, those of us
in leadership and those having the responsibly to apply the rule of
law cannot abdicate our responsibilities.

Agent misconduct, even criminal misconduct, does occur, despite
our best efforts in selection and training, but we do everything to
deter it and act decisively when it occurs.

It saddens me because, had the two agents behaved with the
integrity and honor that we instill -- following procedure, disclosing
the shooting, not tampering with the evidence and encouraging others
to do so -- the results might have been very different.

In fact, in my experience, almost every agent-involved shooting
is resolved in the favor of the agent without criminal charges. So to
suggest that the Border Patrol went after these agents for
administrative violations is baseless and I believe the facts in this
case supports this premise.</h3>

Agents Compean and Ramos used deadly force when it should not
have been applied. They shot a person in direct violation of the
policy and contrary to the training that they have received in this

From the statistical information I gave earlier, it is obvious
that this was not the first time agents used deadly force in the El
Paso sector. The differences between this case and the others are
glaring. Agents involved in other shooting cases reported them,
cooperated with the investigation and allowed it to run its course,
and an investigation which generally supported the agents' decision to
use deadly force.

Since the agents destroyed evidence -- since the agents -- I'm
sorry -- destroyed evidence, filed an incomplete report of the
incident in an effort to keep the shooting and the circumstances
surrounding it from the leadership.

BARKER: Additionally, their actions prevented the proper
investigation of this case -- investigation which I said generally
supports the actions of agents.

On April 28, 2005, when Agent Compean came before me to make his
oral reply to the proposal to indefinitely suspend him, I asked him
why he did not report the shooting. He said, and I quote, "I didn't."

He continued to say he knew that it was wrong for them not to
report and continued to say that if he thought that the suspect had
been hit, he would have.

He also said that he knew that they would get in trouble, a
thought that was confusing to me since I've established that when an
action is appropriate the investigation invariably proves this,
absolving the agents of any liability.

This has been a tragedy with emotional undercurrent, but there
should be no mistake about it, it begins and ends with the actions of
Agent Compean and Ramos, not the prosecutors, not the judge or the
jury, as has been suggested. The distorted facts have compounded this
already tragic situation by tarnishing the reputation of other people
who did the right thing.

The U.S. attorney, though his office in El Paso, has been a
strong supporter of the agents in El Paso sector, making it clear
through its prosecutions that assaults on agents will not be

They have also been on the front lines in those cases where
agents have used deadly force under circumstances that warrant it or
taken action that have resulted in injury or death, and they have
worked vigorously in supporting the agents.

Conversely, they are also intolerant of official criminal
misconduct or corruption, as they should.

Finally, it is suggested that this case will make agents hesitate
in a situation where deadly force is warranted. The facts do not
support this contention since the last two months...

FEINSTEIN: Could you conclude please, Deputy Chief Barker?
You're two minutes, 36 seconds over time.

BARKER: Just three more lines (inaudible).

FEINSTEIN: Thank you.

BARKER: The facts do not support this contention, since the last
two months agents have discharged their weapons against assailants in
self-defense on three occasions in El Paso, resulting in injury to
one. Agents have always defended themselves, and I have no doubt that
the will continue to do so when there is a threat.

I thank you for this opportunity, and I looking forward to
answering any questions that you may have.

FEINSTEIN: Thank you very much.
.....and I read this (it's loooooonnnnng....):

<hr size="1" color="#cccccc">

<font face="georgia, times new roman, times, serif">
<h2>The ballad of Ramos and Compean</h2>
<font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2">
<b>How the anti-immigration right -- and Lou Dobbs -- turned two rogue Border Patrol agents into heroes and got Congress on their side.</b>

<p><b>By Alex Koppelman</b></p>

<font face="times new roman, times, serif" size="3"><p>Sep. 04, 2007 | Two years ago, in the Texas desert southeast of El Paso, two U.S. <a href="">Border Patrol</a> agents fired 15 bullets at a suspected drug dealer who was fleeing on foot toward the border. The man, a Mexican national, was hit once in the buttocks but made it across the Rio Grande. The agents who fired their weapons, Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean, were sentenced to more than a decade in prison for firing on an unarmed man and then trying to cover up the crime. </p>

<p>For the prosecutors and the jury, the shooting of Osvaldo Aldrete-Davila near Fabens, Texas, was a clearly unlawful use of force. But the conviction of Ramos and Compean was just the beginning of the agents' story. Within months, they had become the center of a dubious political crusade that would energize the furthest reaches of the right, dominate one of CNN's most popular news programs, and persuade a quarter of the U.S. House of Representatives -- and one prominent Democratic senator -- to reject the findings of a federal court. </p>

<p>With the help of reporters and activists promoting -- and embellishing -- the defense's version of the case, the two convicted agents were transformed into martyrs for the battle against illegal <a href="">immigration.</a> Instead of rogue officers who shot a fleeing, unarmed suspect and then lied about it, they became stand-up cops who were forced to shoot an armed drug dealer and then sent to prison by a legal system run amok. After they went to prison in January 2007, they even became the tragic heroes of a country song called <a href="">"Ramos and Compean."</a> </p>

<p>Nearly 400,000 people have signed a petition demanding a presidential pardon for the agents. There are two bills to pardon them pending in Congress, <a href="">one with more than 100 cosponsors,</a> including five Democrats. </p>

<p><h3>How did Ramos and Compean get reinvented as right-wing heroes? The answer lies in the way Americans get their information, from a fragmented news media that makes it easier than ever to tune out opposing views and inconvenient truths.</h3> When people seek "facts" only from sources with which they agree, it's possible for demonstrable untruths to enter the narrative and remain there unchallenged. The ballad of Ramos and Compean is a story that one side of America's polarized culture has gotten all wrong and that much of the other side -- and the rest of the country -- has never even heard. </p>

<p>Federal prosecutions of law enforcement agents are not undertaken lightly. "No prosecutor ever wants to be in a position of prosecuting a cop or a federal agent," says Johnny Sutton, U.S. attorney for the Western District of Texas, whose office prosecuted Ramos and Compean. "They're our co-workers, they're our friends, we represent them in court ... But when one steps over the line and commits a serious crime, it's very important that they be held accountable ... [and] most agents would say what these guys did was outrageous." </p>

<p>Prosecutors in Sutton's office considered the conduct of Ramos and Compean outrageous enough that the two men were charged with seven and nine counts, respectively. Both were charged with assault with intent to commit murder. At trial, government prosecutors presented a case, supported by eyewitness testimony, that alleged the following: On Feb. 17, 2005, Aldrete-Davila led Border Patrol agents on a high-speed car chase that ended at a ditch about 120 yards from Mexico. Aldrete-Davila abandoned a van with 743 pounds of marijuana inside and made a dash for the border. Compean, on foot, intercepted Aldrete-Davila, who put his hands in the air to surrender. </p>

<p>At that point, according to trial testimony, Compean tried to hit Aldrete-Davila with the butt of his shotgun, missed, and fell into the 11-foot-deep ditch. Aldrete-Davila took off running. Compean climbed out of the ditch, shot at him 14 times and missed. Ramos, who had watched Compean fall, then fired once. The bullet entered Aldrete-Davila's left buttock, severed his urethra and came to rest in his right thigh. He fell down, but got back up, escaping across the Rio Grande into Mexico. The two agents then covered up the incident. Compean hid some of the shell casings and asked a third agent returning to the scene later that day to dispose of the rest. Neither Ramos nor Compean ever reported the shooting. They were arrested a month later, and then only because America's border with Mexico is like a very long and skinny small town. Aldrete-Davila's mother is friends with the mother-in-law of Rene Sanchez, a Border Patrol agent in Arizona. After hearing about the incident from his mother-in-law, Sanchez sent a report to the Department of Homeland Security in Washington, which then dispatched a special agent to Texas to investigate. </p>

<p>At trial in the federal courthouse in El Paso, Border Patrol agents from the Fabens station took the stand to testify against Ramos and Compean. Fellow agents, including one who had observed the shooting, contradicted Compean's story about where he was and how he was positioned when he fired his weapon. The agent who had helped Compean hide shell casings admitted it under oath. Prosecutors showed that Compean had repeatedly changed his story about the shooting and that it didn't match Ramos' account. They were also able to show that although Compean had discussed the shooting with other agents after it happened, it wasn't until his arrest that he began claiming that Aldrete-Davila had had a gun. </p>

<p>The prosecution's version of events was convincing enough for the jury, in March 2006, to find Ramos and Compean guilty of all but assault with intent to commit murder. Most media coverage of the case was local, and it comported with the jury's verdict: a bad shooting, a coverup and damning testimony from fellow agents that led to an uncontroversial conviction. Seven months later, a judge sentenced Ramos and Compean to 11 and 12 years in prison, respectively. </p>

<p>But by the time of their sentencing, the right wing had discovered the agents and begun constructing a new narrative. Ramos and Compean's newfound supporters soon settled on a radically different version of the shooting, cobbled together from speculation, rumors, misstatements of fact and various unproven assertions cherry-picked from the case the defense presented at trial. </p>

<p>In the right-wing version of the Aldrete-Davila case, the officers shot at the suspect because they feared for their safety. The agents' supporters say the fleeing suspect may, in fact, have been armed. In their scenario, Compean fell to one knee after trying to restrain Aldrete-Davila with the shotgun, and the suspect ran away. Compean then chased Aldrete-Davila and tackled him. Aldrete-Davila got away again. As Aldrete-Davila ran toward the border, he extended a gun behind him as if to fire, and Compean started shooting in self-defense. Ramos saw Compean on the ground, heard the shots and, believing his fellow agent shot or in danger, fired the bullet that hit Aldrete-Davila. Once the case went to trial, federal prosecutors supposedly manipulated witnesses and covered up Aldrete-Davila's misdeeds -- actually quashing a sealed indictment for drug smuggling -- in order to secure convictions of the two agents. </p>

<p>The story that Ramos and Compean's supporters constructed was essentially unchallenged by the mainstream media -- because the mainstream media wasn't paying attention. When traditional news outlets did cover Ramos and Compean, it was to comment on the right's fascination with the case, but not to examine or debunk the right's reporting. </p>

<p><h3>There are five major players in the transformation of Ramos and Compean from cops who tried to cover up a bad shooting into martyred heroes of the great conservative pushback against illegal immigration.</h3> The most important of them is Lou Dobbs, the host of CNN's "Lou Dobbs Tonight." Three other players -- journalist Sara A. Carter, activist Andy Ramirez and union official T.J. Bonner -- are previously obscure figures who appeared on Dobbs' show. The fifth is Jerome Corsi, the conservative commentator who coauthored the book, "Unfit for Command," that launched the Swift-boating of John Kerry. Corsi pushed the cause of Ramos and Compean on the Internet while Dobbs was pushing it on TV. All of them have served as megaphones for the right-wing's counter-narrative of the case
.   click to show 

As I said, I am not "getting" why you want these two pardoned or granted a new trial. Please explain....please do not cite any Brett Bozell related links/sites....., cnsnews, or Joseph Farah's WND, Worldnet Daily....they are not news sources.

Did these two guys betray the public trust, did they act outside the law?

Does it make a difference if the unarmed suspect who they shot as he fled, is someone you find reprehensible.....since Compean and Ramos did not even have enough confidence that they had acted within the Border Patrol's guidleines on the use of deadly force, to report the shooting incident and cooperate in the investigation....not interfering in the recovery of evidence, etc.?

Should officials who take an oath, who know the law, be held to a lower, higher, or to the same standard as others who attempt a cover up of their illegal acts and destroy evidence?

Last edited by host; 03-30-2008 at 11:01 AM..
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