If you are playing this I gotta recommend these scripts, all work with XTM mod.
This one pretty much fixes your retarded wingman AI. Before using it my wingmen had to be used VERY carefully or they fly straight into enemy fire. They also seemed to never hit anything unless it was flying in a straight line. Now they evade incoming fire, actually use their aiming computers, and cause your personal wing to be a force to be reckoned with. The software costs a million a pop, so I only use it on M3's. Its nice having your wingman bail out YOUR ass for once.
This completely transforms your game. Prior to using it, everything seemed quite stale, the AI empires were retards letting 3 pirate ships randomly shoot at stations without doing anything. Now they bring in their fleets, including pirates. For example, I just got my first M1 (Pirate Galleon) and decided to test it taking out a pirate base sector. I jump into sector and start to take out the fighter swarm. Suddenly there is an enemy M7 below me and its beating the crap out of my shields. I think I'm doomed but it has to turn away and in so doing turns its main guns off me and flies into the path of mine. I take it down with almost no shields left on me. I fly away from the battle and launch my fighters which deal with the incoming M6's while I slowly recharge my shields. I take out enough of them with my fighter wing and head to the bases. I destroy one pirate factory base, and decide to head to the main base. On the way another pirate capital ship jumps in but its a weak one and I take it out without much effort. I finally take out the pirate base and move to another factory (I've been losing a fighter here and there and now I'm down to 2). While there, suddenly another pirate M7 jumps in and opens fire. This time I'm in a better spot and open fire on it as well. We are both at almost zero shields, but I think I got the upper hand and then 'poof' it jumps out of system, saving itself. I go about finishing off the last pirate factory.
Without this script, this battle just doesn't happen. I'd have jumped in, killed a few fighters, killed the bases and left.
Note: If you want to play as a pirate, and you use this script, be warned you will need to act like a pirate and only hit weak systems and do a lot of hit and run. Otherwise you will be overwhelmed.
I'm running more scripts than this, and there are other VERY good ones that create guilds etc, but these two I'd use in any/every game.