Originally Posted by GeneralMao
Anyone have any idea what the requirements are to become a doctor in either Canada or Britain? I currently reside in the U.S. and am almost done with my first year at a Four Year University, and plan on attending Medical school. However, I have a strong desire to study medicine in the United Kingdom. Anybody know by chance what the requirements are to get into a 'med school' in Britain/Canada? Better yet, if I finish Med School here, will I have to get re-certified in either Britain or Canada?
I met a doctor from the US a couple of years ago - she did have to go through some sort of certification process with exams when she got to Canada as I believe there are a few practices and of course laws that are different, but I don't think it was too crazy. I seem to recall her studying for a few months, taking a couple of tests, and off she went.