aww this one is fun too.
- When I'm driving in my car, blasting music, and a part will come on where I HAVE TO do the robot. Its cry is undeniable, it must be done.
- When my GF rubs my back with effort. When she tries it is incredible.
- A good play that makes me lean forward in my seat, put my elbows on my knees, and put my chin in my hands, as if I'm trying to get closer to the play. It's a great feeling.
- Laughing hysterically at things that aren't that funny. For example: in the film "Hot Rod" (ridiculously stupid movie) there is a passing line where a TV anchor says "the dog walked itself, ate a pizza, and took a nap". Even now I've burst into spurts of laughter thinking about it.
- Spending time with my dad.
- Doing something I have pride in.
- Coffee when you haven't had any in like a couple of hours. I drink ALOT of coffee.
- Winning a close game. I am a really poor winner but an even worse poor loser. One time I made my father sign a contract saying that I beat him at Trivial Pursuit. I still have it in a scrap book.
- knowing I have lots of money. I don't know why but this always makes me more smiley.
-Traveling. I am hoping to take my first cross continental road trip this summer.
Can't think of anymore right now but there certainly is more.
EX: Whats new?
ME: I officially love coffee more then you now.
EX: uh...
ME: So, not much.