Originally Posted by Cynthetiq
no but it was discussed sometime last year or even the year before:
and Blackle.com who does it EVERY day. This is exactly what I'm talking about. It's not just COOL because you did it one day to bring awareness, it's cool because you do it every day.
Does background color matter..probably not:
On LCD displays, color may confer no benefit at all. In response to my inquiry, Steve Ryan, program manager for Energy Star’s power-management program, asked consulting firm Cadmus Group to run a quick test by loading Blackle, Google and the Web site of the New York Times (which is, like Google, mostly white on-screen) on two monitors — one CRT, one LCD — and connecting a power meter to both. “We found that the color on screen mattered very little to the energy color consumption of the LCD monitor,” said David Korn, principal at Cadmus, which specializes in energy and environment, and does work for the government. The changes were so slight as to be within the margin of error for the power meter. Tweaking brightness and contrast and settings had a bigger effect. The bulkier CRT screen did see savings with Blackle of between 5% and 20%. Mr. Korn emphasized that this was a quick test, not a rigorous study.
Is google's participation in a one-day international public awareness effort good PR....yep.
If you want to rain on the parade, thats cool too. Can I suggest you carry an