A friend of mine in New York told me a couple of weeks ago that he heard news that someone was trying to pen the score to Fight Club to adapt it into a musical. I thought he was joking until he told me people are kind of shopping the idea. Then I got word a couple of days ago from another friend that she heard from an old prof, now friend, that Trent Reznor of NIN fame is the one doing it. It might be all rumors but all I have to say is WTF? The already tried to ruin High Fidelity for me. I know a lot of people won't be interested in this but I can't believe this could be true. I love theatre but anything written by Chuck Pahalinuik should not be adapted to show tunes. What do you think?
edit: Decided to google it and I got confirmation from Chuck himself. Here's a couple of links.
Apparently this has been in the air for four years now. Scary. Of course that totally makes sense. Seems Fincher is involved too.