Originally Posted by ShaniFaye
lets see...I've been pulled aside, after not making the walk thru thingy go off in:
Atlanta, several times
Ft. Lauderdale once
Newark twice
Baltimore once
Detroit once
(these flights were all post 911)
Dave has been pulled aside:
Germany (Frankfurt)
to turn it around, I've never seen anyone pulled BEFORE going thru the walk thru
You've been pulled aside a lot. I haven't been pulled aside in over a year.
I'll admit we may be having completely different experiences. Are you always flying coach? I haven't flown coach in about four or five years, you fly 1/4 million miles a year and they bump you to first class. Sadly they may not be treating first class the same. They should be, everyone should be treated the same when it comes to security.
Again I've only seen people pulled before going through the standing detector. And I've only been pulled aside before.