Originally Posted by willravel
Tully, imagine you have a prince albert and they ask you to remove it.
OK, Googled PA.
If I couldn't take it out I guess I go through the standing detector and if called to the side for a wand search I'd be polite and responsive. I'd explain the situation. If requested I'd have no problem with a pat down. If they insisted I remove it and I couldn't, I'd be prepared with a copy of their SOP from their web site and at that point I'd start writing down names, calmly and quietly as I requested a supervisor.
See if I had a piercing or a joint replacement that I knew I couldn't remove I'd show up at the airport prepared. That mind set my come from military service and working for the government. But I wouldn't show up without their SOP in hand any more then I'd show up without my ID or plane ticket. What I wouldn't do is start making a scene. That never works to your favor, IMO.
Everyone I've ever seen have an issue with the TSA are people who made a scene, were rude or made off color remarks. One of the stories I read on this stated the woman claimed the standing detector did not "go off" but that she was pulled aside for a wand search. Anybody ever see that happen? I never have. I'm sure it's possible but I've never seen it. I've seen them pull people out of line randomly prior to the standing detector, never after.
Tape, I want to see the tape. Until then I highly suspect she's not telling the whole truth. If she is- she was treated unfairly and someone, more likely some people, need to be disciplined. If she's being completely honest and people at TSA loose their jobs over this I'll have no problem with that.