Originally Posted by ShaniFaye
Removed them before she left home? are you serious? do you know anything about nipple piercing and how fast they *can* (I wont say will because everyone is different) close up? I hd to take them out for my last surgery, I took them out at 9 am, at 5 pm I couldnt get them back in again.
You're right I don't know anything about nipple rings. Well, I know I like them. But you're telling me if she took them out at home they be impossible to re-insert an hour or two later? She managed to get them out at the airport. Why not take them out in the restroom before going through screening then reinstall?
Originally Posted by ShaniFaye
They were definitely wrong in how they handled it. Mine set off several "wands" and all I had to do was say "My nipples are pierced" have a pat down and I was good to go....same with my underwire bras.
That's exactly why I think there's a serious chance she told them to fuck off prior to anything else and possibly did refuse any pat down. I've seen many people set off the detector go through the wand search, politely explain the situation and they're on their way. From what I've seen only about 50% end up behind the screen getting the pat down. How come you were able to get through without serious insult or injury and she ended up on CNN and now needs an attorney?
It's completely possible things happen the way she claims, I'll wait for the tape before I decide. Especially after the tape of the lady with the breast milk, show me the tape then I'll decide. If the TSA doesn't release something I'll be more likely to take her word for it. Until then... Tape, tape tape! I want to see the tape.
Originally Posted by ShaniFaye
If she threw a fit? so what...I prob would have too. Its not like she refused a pat down or search.
TSA are like any other security or law enforcement agencies in that they're trained to focus in on people "throwing a fit." Though I think they're more likely to use the term "behaving highly emotionally or erratically." My guess is, if the TSA was doing it by the "book," this ladies behavior put the entire station on high alert. There's no way for the TSA to know if this ladies behavior isn't "cover" for someone's attempt to circumvent security.
Originally Posted by ShaniFaye
Im curious....anyone ever have to take out ear rings to get on a plane? Any pierced guy have to take the piercing out of his dick to get on a plane? Anyone have to take out a lipring to get on a plane?
That's a good question. I've flown a lot, did over a quarter million air miles one year. The TSA, in my experience is a pain in the ass. But they're the same pain in the ass for everyone.
I find it odd this ladies experience is so unlike anything I've ever seen.