Alright so here is my opinion on this. I think its a very bad idea. I mean, they even say that they don't know the long-term effects it will have on the men. I mean, even most womans birth control gives a lot of women issues so I wouldn't trust the male version. For all you know, you could end up with ball cancer, or with it not working anymore at a more early age than usual, I mean, my fionce has had problems down there many times, so I would never put him through that just to be safe. I would rather be protected. No reason to be messing with your prized gems down there when there is perfectly decent birth control out there for women.
For the one that says they hate condoms, I will have to back you up there. I am a woman and yes I will say they suck. They cut the feeling in half and they make things hurt and tug more. Its no fun. But, if the woman you are with is on a good birth control, then you shouldn't have to worry about the condoms. Me and my man never use them anymore. Once the docs said it was safe to while on B.C. we threw the condoms out.
I am just saying, weigh your risks before you decided to take a birth control guys.
"The only way to enjoy life, is to try different things, and take risks. Sometimes you just have to jump in with both feet and hope for the best "