Removed them before she left home? are you serious? do you know anything about nipple piercing and how fast they *can* (I wont say will because everyone is different) close up? I hd to take them out for my last surgery, I took them out at 9 am, at 5 pm I couldnt get them back in again.
They were definitely wrong in how they handled it. Mine set off several "wands" and all I had to do was say "My nipples are pierced" have a pat down and I was good to go....same with my underwire bras.
If she threw a fit? so what...I prob would have too. Its not like she refused a pat down or search.
Im curious....anyone ever have to take out ear rings to get on a plane? Any pierced guy have to take the piercing out of his dick to get on a plane? Anyone have to take out a lipring to get on a plane?
I want the diabetic plan that comes with rollover carbs. I dont like the unused one expiring at midnite!!