I watched her this morning with her attorney (who didn't see that coming?) and I wondered what kind of attitude she had when questioned. I went through the TSA at Ft. Lauderdale one time and the lady in front of me refused to take her shoes off. I think her exact quote was "Don't you know who I am? These shoe's are Italian!" I didn't know who she was and couldn't have cared less where her shoes were made. Last I saw of her she was headed behind a white screen and a TSA worker was putting on gloves, didn't look like fun.
I wonder if the TSA is going to be releasing a video showing her throwing a hissy fit in the near future? Wasn't a few months back some lady claimed she was harassed about breast milk and a video basically shot down most if not all of her accusations?
I was thinking the same thing.
that would work, except numerous vets from previous conflicts still have RFBs (shrapnel) in their bodies and this procedure would be a little bit cruel and unusual for them...they didn't put the stuff there
Not to mention various implanted medical devices.