Originally Posted by Cynthetiq
I don't know if I could do it. I can do lots of things, but I don't think that I can give up a part of my body to someone that I didn't really know. I honestly don't think that I could give up a body part to someone else in that manner. I already have some issue with giving up body parts when I'm dead as a donor.
Do you think that you could do it?
I would do it for family or friends, no question. I am an organ donor, and I have a living will that instructs my parents not to keep me on life support. I have no desire to be a vegetable, and I would prefer to do the most good I possibly could with my death. I donate blood regularly, and have started a collection of Golden Gallon pins. I'd also like to get on the bone marrow donation list.
I'm not sure I could do it for a complete stranger, but the women in the story weren't complete strangers. I imagine it would largely depend on my level of acquaintance with the person needing the organ.