<!-- URL's used in the movie--> <!-- text used in the movie--> <!--Joel Veitchrathergood.commusic: Electric SixGay BarGirlI want totake youto a gay barGay barLet's start a war!start a nuclearwarAt the gay barWeeoow!Now tellme do ya?Do you haveany money?I wannaspend allyour moneyI've gotsomethingto put inyouHeeooow!You're a superstarYou're asuperstarYeah you'rea superstarAt thegay barSuperstar-->
<embed src="http://www.rathergood.kewlio.net/flash/gaybar.swf" quality=high bgcolor=#CCCCCC width="640" height="480">
before anyone ever monkied around with bush and blair, joel at
rathergood.com made this. it is, in my own opinion, much better than anything using this song made since.