Originally Posted by Kahn
For me, I used to get bullied because I was so tall and lanky, wore glasses and was considered a nerdy geek. Then one day, I realised I was much bigger than the kids stupid enough to pick fights with me for simply being different and .. I kicked the living shit out of each and every one of them. Bullying, for me, took on a whole new meaning and I began hunting bullies everywhere to make a stand for other nerdy geeks. Needless to say, I became a nerdy geek hero. 
Ah! Same for me but at what point are you a hero and at which other are you a bully? I'm sure the mothers of the kids I beat up would call me a bully and not a hero. But then again, they always did insult me before I beat them up and/or beat up other kids. So I guess we where both bullies.
I think violence is normal amongst young boys, as they need to test themselves and others, and its not too bad as long as it doesn't get out of hand. You learn to defend yourself or outsmart the other guy. It's not necessarily a good thing but I don't think it can be avoided it can only be controlled so it doesn't get out of hand.