Originally Posted by willravel
A recent poll said around 50% (I think it's 47% total, 39% men and 53% women) of Americans believe in evolution. The other 50%? Those are the pious folk who are the problem. But blaming "humanity" or "human nature" is bullshit. These people need to be held responsible for contradicting science and logic.
They are the problem? Whose problem? How many of the folks who don't believe in evolution are actively trying to remove it from schools? How many of those people don't believe in evolution because it's contrary to their religion vs. because they don't understand it, don't care, or don't appreciate the aesthetics of it? Everyone knows 80% of all statistical figures are meaningless without context. How many people didn't believe in evolution 50 years ago? Is it possible the situation is actually improving?
And not quibble, but not believing in evolution doesn't necessarily imply a lack of logic-- two logically sound arguments can come to contradictory conclusions and logically sound arguments aren't required to resemble reality in any meaningful way.
What does holding people responsible for contradicting science and logic entail? How do you hold them responsible? Do you call the Rational Response Squad?
Do you at all appreciate the notion that there is more than one valid way to make sense of the world? So some folks don't believe in evolution. I guess I won't ask them for homework help the next time I take a biology class.
Blaming human nature may be bullshit, but it is less bullshit than blaming religion. Blaming religion ignores the fact that dysfunctional idiots exist in secular societies too. If you are of the opinion that humanity created religion, which being an atheist you probably are, then how can you possibly blame religion for religious people being messed up instead of blaming people for people being messed up?